Intrinsic Brainstem Schwannoma and Me
My name in Mia Georget. I don’t want to bore you with the mundane but I live with my mom and dad and my sister Macy. I also have two cats, Buster and Daisy, and a dog named Reggie. Enough chit chat…..I started this website to tell “my story” but more than that, I want to use my story to raise some awareness about what myself and my family have seen in the last year as well as raise some awareness and funds for my future treatments as well as the Saskatchewan Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon. Mom and Dad and Macy spent over 5 months either sleeping on the floor beside me in the hospital or @ RMH and we could never fully payback the sum that saved both my life as well as the lives of my family last year. Also the best part is that although I'm very nervous to share my artwork with you I KNOW that when I combine my artistic talent with my truly unique and “one of a kind” story…I can change the world….and I will.
I guess I’m just asking if you are willing to be part of this fascinating, heart breaking, hilarious and one of a kind story. It’s a wild one and I’m ready to share it. I will also tell you that I am paralyzed to a certain extent on the entire right side of my body. Perfectly down the middle. It’s crazy. Like my right eye does not close but the left is perfect. My right hand is a bit of a spaz and I can’t get it to do what I want but my left is perfect. My right leg goes pretty much wherever it wants but ol left leg is in charge of all the walking. The reason I’m telling you about my paralysis out the gate is because all of the artwork on this page was created by my left hand. I’m right handed. ANYWAY on to the “my story” stuff.
On Monday August 12/2019 in Saskatoons Royal Uni Hospital (RUH) paediatric emergency our lives were immediately and without warning or provocation, changed forever. Shattered! We had so many questions and many are still and will never be answered. I will do my best to tell you everything.
Over the preceding month of July 2019 I was vomiting daily and some doctor thought I maybe had an intestinal issue or was possibly making myself puke. Mom and dad did their best but could not get answers. Who can really blame the doctor, nobody has really ever seen this. Over the days of August 10th and 11th I became very sick. Vomiting, unbalanced, my eye would not close and my mouth was crooked. I was falling asleep in the middle of sentences. Have you seen a 13 year old girl act like a maniac? Some of these features come standard on most 13 year olds but my brain was under immense pressure. Bob was cutting off the outflow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid. Bob was growing and taking up way too much space in my head. I was dying and it was happening extremely quickly.
As you can see from the title of this “my story” page is that I have, what we now know, is an INTRINSIC BRAINSTEM SCHWANNOMA. Let me tell you something about this disease..I’m it. LIKE ANYWHERE. I mean there is very likely not another living soul on the planet that has what I am so fortunate to have. The tumour (schwannoma) itself is rare enough but the place it setup shop like NEVER HAPPENS. Right on the brainstem. The framework for life as I know it has to pay a toll in Tumourtown before heading out for the days work.
On August 12th 2019 after mom and dad (dad) made some quick decisions and we left for the RUH to get answers. My dad was on an absolute mission. A man with the single mind to find what was, he knew, killing his daughter. He is not a hot headed person and eventually most people that spend time with him tend to see things his way and that day I knew he was about to make some new friends. You see when you are sick like this and have no answers Dr Google can be an awful yet readily available practitioner. Anyone who has ever had a headache and googled the symptoms for that headache is probably already dead. Dad was certain that I had a tumour behind my eye or MS. (Quick sidebar) Living in Saskatchewan can lead anyone to thinking about Multiple Sclerosis. There are different schools of thought on the subject but make no mistake that Saskatchewan has one of if not the highest rates of MS in the world so its never fully ruled out. But that is for another website and another blog…awful. In any case dad was possessed and mom was stressed. They collectively saved my life. They don’t argue as they always talk everything out completely. There is never one that is “in charge” or “the boss”. They are a team and my sister and I know that either one can dish it out equally. It’s pretty hard to run off to mom when dad says no or vice versa. They are so strong together that I know that things would be different without their strength. Anyway dad was “in charge” that day and there was a feeling of relief and finality that day because I knew that there was absolutely no chance we were leaving that hospital without some kind of resolution. I think moms stress leads to dad being possessed. She lit a fire under him and he was on the hunt to take care of both of us.
That night in paediatric emergency a couple people came into our life. They don’t know it but they are two of my many guardian angels. Dr Damian then Dr Brian Renne. Its crazy but when you go into emerg with an unseen sickness it can be tough to convince the medical team that you are sick. Some kids come into that room bleeding and broken and require an immediate response, I came in with no fever and because it was later in the day the vomiting had slowed to a stop. The other symptoms that I mentioned were still obvious however it is understandable that we would wait until the mid summer boys with their broken bike accident faces and shattered “watch this” mid summer injuries would be seen first. We were not at the top of the list. STARS air ambulance was on the way to the hospital with another two boys that had fallen victim to those long summer days. One boy had jumped his bike of his parents house and another had tried to jump another kids bike and ate a pedal. Grizzly. To my dads credit he had overheard that these choppers were incoming and had a conversation with the nurse. Dr Damian overheard my dad reciting my symptoms to the STARS nurse and saw the urgency in the way my dad was telling the nurse about me. Dad basically stated my symptoms and even though I’m not bleeding and broken we would need some attention AND if we saw a Dr soon we could leave and they would have a spot open for the boys that had been captured by mid summer boredom. Little did we know that leaving would not be an option for another 6 months. Dr Damien came and saw me right away. He knew within seconds that I had a brain tumour and you could tell he knew. His face changed in a way that tells a poker player across the table that you are out of aces and the game is over. My mom saw his face change, my dad saw his face change. They didn’t look at each other. They couldn’t because that would mean that it was real and that they both had seen it and they didn’t know what they saw but they knew all the cards were about to be played. Doing the best he could (bad poker face) Dr Damien said he would be right back because he just wanted to see if CT Scan was available. I can tell you now from experience that CT Scan had closed for the day about two hours prior and some poor Image Tech was about to get an emergency phone call. When Dr Damien came back to emerg and said that he just wanted to run a couple CT scans to be safe it was just another aha moment. When we got up to Medical Imaging and saw the technician pull off their coat and place their car keys on the table it was starting to come together really fast. Everyone was starting to understand that I was in real trouble and that this scan was absolutely a confirmation scan and that waiting for results was a formality. They did the scan and we waited. At that point dad had purchased every single cake pop from Starbucks and was handing them out to nurses and other kids in emerg. I had my cake pop and played crib with mom. Dad went to Starbucks because aside from not being able to sit still at the best of times he couldn’t look at mom yet, and she couldn’t look at him. That would mean it was real and we still didn’t have results from the scan. It only was about a 20 minute wait. We were happy. We had each other and cake pops and cribbage. Dr Damien returned to our little curtain closet with tears in his eyes. His attempts at continuing with his terrible poker face had gone with his chips. He was so gracious and apologetic. What a terrible thing to have to tell a family. I apologized to him and told him it would be OK. I’m being so strong for my mom and dad. He called it a mass. He used words I couldn’t understand. He was so sad. He said that other medical professionals would take it from here and we never saw him again. Thank you Dr Damien for saving my life. You are one of many in this story that would but you were the first one to do it.
Things moved pretty fast for us after we heard the news. We met Dr Brian Renne. Dr Renne is a Neurologist and resident surgeon. He came into our lives after Dr. Damien vanished and he never left my side for the following 8 weeks. It didn’t take 10 minutes and Dr Renne had us upstairs in Acute Paediatric care observation. I felt better in the evenings because the fluid in my head would drain a bit and I felt more like myself. I felt better this evening as well. Mom and Dad made a bed on the floor beside me. Before we went to bed we ordered a Santa Lucia Pepperoni Pizza. It’s my absolute fave. I hadn’t really eaten much more than a cake pop all day and this pizza was wonderful. We snacked on that and a cup of ice cream until the very last moment @ 1:00am. Little did I realize that I would not be able to swallow another pice of solid food or eat without a therapist present for another 6 weeks. If I had known that night that this was the last food I would eat for that long I would have savoured it a little more. Mom and dad ,both exhausted, seemed ready for rest on the floor beside me and they held each other as tightly as possible and found comfort as they always have in each other. Mom or Dad on the floor beside me is a spot that would not vacant for the next 5 months. Due to the new IV and a concoction of drugs, I fell asleep with a full belly and the assurance that we would have more answers the next morning. Day one….
The end of Day One (Aug12,2019) or rather the very early morning of the 13th. I was so strong. I really didn’t know what was coming. But whatever it was I was ready.
Dr. Brian was there when we woke up. When I tell you that these neuro’s work an extraordinary amount of hours please believe me. These Dr’s are the smartest among us and we owe them a debt that can never be repaid. They understand from a young age that the gift they have will save lives and they work tirelessly for years to perfect those skills they knew they possessed from that early age. The amount of education, applied research and practical work required that eventually allows these Dr’s to work literally 100’s of hours a week is mind boggling. Imagine that you go to a combination of school and work for 15 years. Now you can apply to become a Neurologist. Kill yourself with work and education for another 10….now you can be a Neurosurgeon. We truly felt that we were in amazing hands from moment one. This ain’t a 4 year program and the education never stops. We are grateful for the dedication and sacrifice.
Like I said, Dr. Brian was there when we woke up and had probably not slept either. Behind the scenes he had meetings with another Neurosurgeon named Dr Fourney. If Dr. Brian is the Luke Skywalker of Neurologists Dr. Fourney is Yoda. I was setup for an MRI as soon as we were mobile on August 13th. The first images of that MRI can been seen below. Looking at Bob for the first time was shocking to my family to say the least. It was devastating for them. The tumour (Bob) was huge and pressing against my cerebellum leading to the balance issues as well as blocking the cerebral spinal fluid “drains” leading to the puking and hydrocephalus. Bob was working as hard as he could to kill me and would succeed in the next number of days unless something was done. Removal and immediately was the only option. My dad and Dr Fourney talked about survival rates and that I would very likely be left permanently deaf as a result of the removal. I was so strong…so strong telling everyone that I would learn sign language and they had all better learn as well. Dad was nervous and asked Dr. Fourney if maybe we should look stateside or get a second opinion. I can’t blame dad for asking, he had just met Dr Fourney and was doing his best to make the best decision for me. When dad asked about leaving and possibly flying to a Mayo Clinic or another option (his mind certainly racing) Dr Fourney said something akin to….
“If you choose make that decision Neil, and that is your choice, I will take immediate steps to remove Mia from your care. I will petition the Saskatchewan Government to become the primary care giver for Mia and I perform this surgery. You will be unable to be part of her recovery and although you are making this decision with the best intentions you are making a decision that could have catastrophic results for your daughters health.”
Or something to that effect. It had profound effects on dad. From that moment his belief in Dr Fourney was absolute and unwavering. Mom and dad were certain that the right person had come into our lives. It must be hard to be a dad when your little girl gets so sick so fast. It must be hard to give your daughter to someone else and believe you have made the right decision. Dad and I were taking some time on a beach one day and he asked me if I ever thought about death and what that might look like. I don’t think about death or losing to this tumour. I really don’t. I told my dad he will always take care of me. It’s easier to not think about the hard stuff when you believe in your parents. My dad is like Dr Strange. He thinks of every possible scenario or road black that I could come up against and thinks about every circumstance we could encounter and wracks his brain to try and be prepared for those situations. My dad is like Dr Strange and Dr Strange is my favourite Avenger. But even Dr Strange knew the odds.
Late in the morning I was prepped for surgery. My hair was shaved. I looked cool and still do. We wheeled down to surgery and were met by the Tumour Team. Mom and dad tried to be so strong but they could never be as strong as I was. The only time my strength wavered was when they had to leave. It was hard letting go. This could be the last time we ever held each other and we all knew it. For the first time since we came to the hospital… I cried. Then I fell asleep.
Hey it’s Neil here (dad). Any parent reading this can imagine what its like to walk away from your child at a moment like this. Megan and I tried to be so strong for Mia up to this point it was almost impossible to maintain that strength after we left her in the pre-op room. Megan immediately sank into my arms and chest and was almost beyond grief. We were standing right outside the OR doors and our family was waiting for us upstairs near the ICU. We would have no news for them other that Mia was strong and ready to accept whatever was next. The operation would last nearly 7 hours. We were so tired. Our family and friends have no idea what their support meant for us that afternoon. Anxiety and stress can have extreme effects on both your mind and body and that 24 hours was tough one for myself and Maggie….the worst in our lives. The sickness in my stomach almost had life all its own. It had a taste and smell almost as if it was alive and eating me from the inside. That burn of pain you feel in your throat when you are trying so hard not to explode into tears of despair or rage is ever present and just moments from being unleashed. Fear, panic, dread and desperation are rapidly replaced with moments of resilience, strength and tenderness. Make no mistake, Megan is the resilience and tenderness part of this story. Megan is the love part of this story. When you are facing the situation that we were facing that day, one can become overly pragmatic and almost stoic. When faced with possibly losing my daughter I could feel hardness beginning to grow in my chest. I was absolutely losing my mind. Completely helpless in the face of losing her. On one hand being mentally exhausted and emotionally fragile and on the other wanting to be so strong that no emotion and only rock solid strength was, I felt, my only option. I could not have been more wrong and the love of my life could not have been more perfect that day. To exhibit the tenderness and love that Megan showed that day is a true testament to love in the face of fear and uncertainty. We waited for news with our family. We traded uneasy looks and nervous “it’s going to be OK” hugs. We had no idea what was in-store for us for the next 6 hours never mind the next 128 days or even beyond that. In any case…Megan is the reason that we as a family would survive that day or the next hundred.
Dr Fourney did some amazing work to remove Bob. I should mention that the night we came in and found out that I was sick my dad, who is not funny (I actually am), named my tumour Bob. It’s easy and fun but Bob has a middle name and I’m not allowed to repeat it. The MFer. Anyway!!! Everything went well and they almost had all of Bob. Dr F was certain that the last bit would come as the first bit had. Unfortunately that was not the case. My heart stopped would stop on each attempt to remove the last bit. The last bit that was attached directly to my brainstem. It was determined that further action towards removal would be fatal or at the very least, leave me severely paralyzed. It was also possible that the last bit that DR F was working so hard to remove could possibly not even be tumour at all. In fact maybe they were removing an affected part of the brainstem, It was hard to tell early on. In any case it was time to sew me up and start the long recovery process.
This is our first real look at “bob”. What our amazing Dr could not see in this photo is what we know now. That the tumour has not only attached itself to my brainstem…it very likely that the brainstem is the place where it started growing. You can see in this photo that the time is 10:27am. In less than 2 hours I would be prepped for a surgery that would put me in a coma and change my life forever.
From the moment mom and dad dragged me into the hospital, to this moment (10:27am) to the time that Bob (the blob) was mostly removed, would span less than 17hours.
(looking down through the top of my head. notice the eyes and sinus at the top, ears on the side
Honestly the next number of days can really only be described through the photos that my mom and dad had taken while I was in the hospital. For the first few days after the surgery I was sleeping and don’t remember much of anything. Mom and dad stayed with me as well as at some very good friends houses. Catching a precious few hours sleep when they could. Every nurse we talked to would tell mom and dad about Ronald McDonald House. They wouldn’t hear it. They wanted to stay with me but after those first 36-48 hours it was becoming impossible to function for my family. They called RMH and they didn’t realize it but “The House” was about to become a central character in this story. We stayed there for 128 days, my entire hospital stay and every single day at RMH was a gift. This story would be very different and quite possibly a harder one to tell if it wasn’t for RMH. We owe them so much and that is another reason I have started this campaign. We will give back to the house that love built. Between the four walls and the people….they saved me and my family.
This is Ronald McDonald House Sask. Macy would take the bus to her new school right at those front doors and the kitchen always has fresh cookies. The room my family stayed in overlooked the river valley.
During those first few days in the PICU I was sleeping and I hated it. My strength was again on display. Mom and Dad knew that I needed that sleep but its hard to sit idly by. I fought to wake up as hard as possible. Waking up is a bad idea and I didn’t care. The team of Doctors fought just as hard to balance the right amount of drugs to keep me sleeping but not too deep and not too light that I wake up. I didn’t care and I was waking up. Dad leaned over me not knowing whether I could hear him due to the fact that I might be totally deaf or too deep in my sleep and said “it was OK to sleep” …I shook my head…a sign of life…I heard him say “it’s OK Mia …Bob is gone” and I drifted off to sleep without anymore fighting for another 2 days.
I woke up in a bit of a panic. Life had changed pretty drastically for me and it was a bit of a shock waking up in the PICU. Of course Mom, Dad and Macywere there as were photos of all my animals so that made it easier. To be honest this is where the real work started. It’s very hard to tell that story and there are numerous moments over the next year that are amazing, heartbreaking, joyful and devastating. Sharing some of those moments at this time is tough. I want everyone to see where I am now and what I have done but the story is long and the details are getting personal. Someday I might update this story to tell you about the time I choked and dad had to give me the heimlich and thought he killed me or the time we found out I was cancer free. I would like to share some times that I was the strongest girl in the world getting my eye sewn shut to save my eye sight (twice) or getting most of my face peeled off to replace the damaged nerves. The moment when I had to have the staples and the drain removed from my head and at that moment I was DONE with needles. I wouldn’t allow any freezing and told Dr Brian to get them out and get it over with. They went ahead with the procedure with no freezing and I didn’t flinch. I held my dads hand and closed my eye. Dr Brian who has seem some serious stuff said he had NEVER seen anything like that and my strength was extraordinary. In the last year I have learned to walk again I have learned to talk again, I’ve learned to swallow, to speak and I’ve learned that there is NOTHING that neither myself nor my family can face and not win. I did these things not by chance but through countless hours of rehab and hard work. I would like to share those details but it is getting increasingly hard to tell the story and I think my dad is emotionally worn out trying to help me tell it.
Here is what I will say. This horrible situation has left me without the full use of my right arm and leg. All of the artwork you see has been completed by learning to use my left hand. My face is still fully paralyzed on the right side and I am totally deaf in my right ear. Also, my brain tumor is still with me and is working hard to do what brain tumor’s do and thats to kill me. It is inoperable. There is no surgery that can fix this nor is there any viable radiation options in Canada. NONE. Any radiation option available in Canada would either leave me severely disabled or at worst, end my life. Proton therapy in either the UK or the USA would be my only option for long term survival. Can you believe Canada does not have a clinic? Even though Bob is not technically cancer on a cellular level we talk to cancer Drs all the time because Bob is a tumor attached to my brainstem and he’s working hard. But not as hard as I am.
Mom keeping a close eye on me after I woke up. Everyone kept a close eye on me. This was very shortly after the ventilator was taken out. It took me two weeks of hard work to talk again.
Breaking all the rules for me in paediatric intensive care unit.
All removed with no freezing.
The nurses were so good to me. Always wanting to “do my hair”
When Almond came to visit it was always a special day.
Chilling out at RMH
Macy rocking the Saskatoon Blades gear at RMH
Gotta stand before you can walk. Wake up and do work!!!
First day I was allowed to leave the hospital. Chocky Cake. Crushed the whole thing.
Dad turned 41. Chocky cake. We crushed the whole thing.
First day with no feeding tube. Unreal feeling.
POPPING TAGS!!! New Specs …I hate them.

Her Story is far from over…and mostly untold
Thanks for spending the time to read this far. At this point in time Mia is basically living the same life as any other 14YO girl. She spends time with her pets and her family. They work as hard as possible to be as safe as possible in these crazy times. No body knows what a flu or cold or worse would do to Mia’s immune system so they spend much of their time at home. But it’s OK because a family that fights through something like this and is as strong as they are seem happy to have that time to spend. Mia as you can see from the small sample of work that is on this site is a true artist. She spends a massive portion of her time drawing and creating these amazing images. Some day she might even share some of them with you. Megan and I and the girls have had so many people in our life share in the moments of this story and it’s hard or nearly impossible to list those people let alone ever repay their generosity. Thank you so much. We love you and appreciate what you have done for our family and especially our little girls.